Saturday, October 1, 2011


locuitorii din Deveselu s-au apucat de cursuri de engleză, ca să-i întîmpine pe soldații americani pe limba lor.
Mai jos aveți un mini-dicționar oltenesc-englez care conține absolut toate mesajele pur românești pe care sătenii din Deveselu ar vrea să le transmită americanilor.
Expresii folositoare:

Fifty for the short, one hundred for the normal
What is it with all these farts on you?


The bathroom is in the cornfield
Ionela fucks for a Coke and a fried chicken leg
(doar pentru gay) Vasile, the village’s sheppard, burns himself in his pumpkin

Proverbe și înțelepciuni românești:

Georgeta made me from man non-man, when I piss I lean against the tree
The dick has no shoulders
The dick doesn’t know book
He put the candy on the funeral-cake
It’s not the sheep’s business from where the horse drinks water
The dogs are barking, the bear is walking

Glumițe de socializare:

He has gone in the dick with the satellite
We have guns, we have knives, but shields dick


Go in your mother’s sun
Fuck your mother’s onion
I fuck you in your ass on your mother
Oral sex Mititelu
Take my lamb to the wrestle

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